Аномально тёплая для января погода приносит сюрпризы. По всей Москве и области от тепла на деревьях набухают почки, а грибники отправились с корзинками в леса — и это не шутка. Фотографии лукошек, полных зимних грибов, они публикуют в соцсетях и Telegram-каналах.
The main idea is that anomalous warm weather in January has led to an unexpected early start to the mushroom season in the Moscow region.
People are sharing photos of their findings online, particularly "winter chanterelles," "winter опят," and "maitake mushrooms." This unusual event, with mushrooms emerging from their dormant state, has surprised and delighted locals.
The main idea is that anomalous warm weather in January has led to an unexpected early start to the mushroom season in the Moscow region. People are sharing photos of their findings online, particularly "winter chanterelles," "winter опят," and "maitake mushrooms." This unusual event, with mushrooms emerging from their dormant state, has surprised and delighted locals.